Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/96

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Lot's daughters made their father drunk and had intercourse with him, to continue the seed of his loins; each of them had a baby by her father. If I should even print, much less advocate, or do such an act, I would be arrested by Mayor Fox, indicted by a low and lewd Grand Jury, and in less than a week be sentenced to one year imprisonment and five hundred dollars fine for an "Obscene Libel;" still, the old Bible, which relates the above story, is read in boarding schools, where Judge Peirce wanted "Secrets of Generation" to be proper to be read, or be esteemed "Obscene." Highflying consistent pressure, this is, or I am a fool.

I have just discovered that I have picked up involuntarily that delightful, lively, wide-awake malady, in vulgar parlance called the "Itch" I can soon cure myself of it, if my boss will permit me to take a daily alcoholic sweating, but I guess he wants me to take drugs, prescribed by a little huge smoke-pipe doctor, who belongs to this celebrated hotel. Who is a butcher.