Page:Probate and Legacy Duties Act 1808 (ukpga 18080149 en).pdf/35

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48° GEORGII III. Cap.149.
BARGIN and SALE—continued.   £ s. d.

And where any such Bargain and Sale as aforesaid, together with any Schedule, Receipt, or other Matter, put or indorsed thereon or annexed thereto, shall contain 2,160 Words or upwards, then for every entire Quantity of 1,080 Words contained therein, over and above the first 1,080 Words, a further progressive Duty of

  1 0 0

Exemptions from the preceding Duty.


Bargains and Sales, made by Commissioners to the Assignees of Bankrupts, which are to pay a Duty, only as Deeds in general.


Inland BILL of EXCHANGE, Draft, or Order, for the Payment to the Bearer, or to Order, either on Demand, or otherwise, of any Sum of Money,


Amounting to 40s. and not exceeding 5l. 5s.

  0 1 0

Exceeding 5l. 5s. and not exceeding 30l.

  0 1 6

Exceeding 30l. and not exceeding 50l.

  0 2 0

Exceeding 50l. and not exceeding 100l.

  0 3 0

Exceeding 100l. and not exceeding 200l.

  0 4 0

Exceeding 200l. and not exceeding 500l.

  0 5 0

Exceeding 500l. and not exceeding 1,000l.

  0 7 6

Exceeding 1,000l. and not exceeding 3,000l.

  0 10 0

Exceeding 3,000l.

  1 0 0

Inland BILL, Draft, or Order, for the Payment of any Sum of Money, though not made payable to the Bearer or to Order, if the same shall be delivered to the Payee, or some Person on his or her Behalf

The same Duty as on a bill of Exchange for the like Sum payable to the Bearer or Order.

Inland BILL, Draft, or Order, for the Payment of any Sum of Money, weekly, monthly, or at any other stated Periods, if made payable to the Bearer, or to Order, or if delivered to the Payee or some Person on his or her Behalf;—where the total Amount of the Money thereby made payable shall be specified therein, or can be ascertained therefrom

The Same Duty as on a Bill payable to the Bearer or Order, for a Sum equal to such total Amount.

And where the total Amount of the Money thereby made payable shall be indefinite

The Same Duty ad on a Bill for the Sum therein expressed only.

And the following Instruments shall be deemed and taken to be Inland Bills, Drafts, or Orders, for the Payment of Money, within the Intent and Meaning of this Schedule, and of the foregoing Act; viz.


All Drafts or Orders for the Payment of any Sum of Money, by a Bill or Promissory Note, or for the Delivery of any such Bill or Note, in Payment or Satisfaction of any Sum of Money ; where such Drafts or Orders shall require the Payment or Delivery to be made to the Bearer or to Order, or shall be delivered to the Payee or some Person on his or her Behalf:


All Receipts given by any Banker or Bankers, or other Person or Persons, for Money received, which shall entitle, or be intended to entitle, the Person or Persons paying the Money, or the Bearer of such Receipts, to receive the like Sum from any Third Person or Persons:


And all Bills, Drafts, or Orders for the Payment of any Sum of Money, out of any particular Fund, which may or may not be available; or upon any Condition or Contingency, which may or may not be performed or happen; if the same shall