Page:Proceedings at the second anniversary meeting of the Loyal publication society, February 11, 1865.djvu/21

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Extracts from Letters.

From the Union State Central Committee, Indianapolis.

"The Committee is under great obligations for the kindness and assistance of your Society. Please tender the kind regards of the officers of this Committee to the officers of your Society."

From Herkimer Co., N.Y., Jan'y 25th, 1865.

"I am under great obligations to you for the publications you have sent me. I have found these tracts of great importance to me in preparing sermons, addresses, and for reading at the meeting of our Loyal Leagues.

"I know also that they have exerted a very powerful influence in our rural lodges.

"I spent some weeks last summer with our soldiers before Petersburg, and I found that your publications were gladly received by both privates and officers. Their replies were, 'Thank you, this is just what I want, where can I get them?'

"I know that the Society has done a noble work ; you doubtless hear this often, but pardon me if I add what I have seen and do know.

"Your work is not yet done, you have witnessed one triumph greater than the world has ever seen before; and to bring this about your Society has done much by furnishing information of a character so soul elevating and reliable. Much is yet to be done; when peace shall return there must be a re-establishment of the true principles of a republican government. It is my prayer, that God will still give success to your efforts."

From Evansville, Indiana.

"You have the thanks of the Loyal League for this donation. More than this, the country owes a debt of gratitude to the Loyal Publication Society, and to the gentlemen who have so efficiently superintended its management.

"The influence of their publications in this Congressional district has been very decided, tending powerfully to reduce the copperhead majority, which has always reigned supreme."