Page:Proceedings at the second anniversary meeting of the Loyal publication society, February 11, 1865.djvu/5

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effect with that of the 8th of November; an election which deserves a separate name and a chapter from the historian. Yet even this does not show the whole importance of the labors of this Society.

At no previous election were there ever so many undecided men; so many men who were undecided up to the very day of the election. The Chicago platform had unsettled and upset the minds of numbers of men. Numbers hesitated between the platform and a candidate whom their own party had proposed.

Many of these hesitating votes were decided by the loyal publications of our Society. A curious instance occurred, one no doubt of many, which showed the influence of the publications of this Society. On one occasion in this city a German procession carrying the so-called democratic banners, was temporarily arrested, and entering a hall near by, some of them received from one of the distributing agents of this Society copies of one of its publications. The views of the pamphlet appealed directly to their understandings. The procession was broken up, its members retired to their homes, and, later, voted for the country.

Again, on an occasion in New Jersey, one of the pamphlets was read before a Democratic meeting and received with great applause.

Nor should it be forgotten with what limited means, when compared with the sums spent upon publications in the country, this widely honored and respected name had been established by the Society.

Dr. Lieber then tendered his resignation as President and nominated Mr. W.T. Blodgett as his successor.

Mr. James McKaye was called to the Chair.

Mr. Blodgett addressed the Society, declining the use of his name as a candidate, whereupon, on motion of Col. Cannon, Dr. Francis Lieber was unanimously re-elected President for the ensuing year.

Mr. John Austin Stevens, Jr., also placed his resignation at the disposal of the Society, whereupon, on motion of Mr. Bristed, he was unanimously re-elected Secretary for the ensuing year.

Mr. Morris Ketchum was unanimously re-elected Treasurer of the Society.