Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 1.djvu/12

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  1. On the Economy of Bees. In a Letter from Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. F.R.S. to the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K.B. P.R.S.
  1. Observations and Measurements of the Planet Vesta. By John Jerome Schroeter, F.R.S.
  1. A new Eudiometer, accompanied with Experiments, elucidating its Application. By William Hasledine Pepys, Esq.
  1. Observations on the Nature of the new celestial Body discovered by Dr. Olbers, and of the Comet which was expected to appear last January in its return from the Sun. By William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S.
  1. On the Quantity of Carbon in carbonic Acid, and on the Nature of the Diamond. By William Allen, Esq. F.L.S. and William Haslediue Pepys, Esq.
  1. An Account of the Relistian Tin Mine. By Mr. Joseph Carne
  1. An Analysis of the Waters of the Dead Sea and the River Jordan. By Alexander Marcet, M.D.


  1. The Bakerian Lecture, on some new Phenomena of chemical Changes produced by Electricity, particularly the Decompoeition of the fixed Alkalies, and the Exhibition of the new substances which constitute their bases; and on the general Nature of alkaline Bodies. By Humphry Davy, Esq. Sec. R.S. M.R.I.A.
  1. On the Structure and Uses of the Spleen. By Everard Home, Esq. F. RS.
  1. On the Composition of the Compound Sulphuret from Huel Boys, and an Account of its Crystals. By James Smithson, Esq. F .R.S.
  1. On Oxalic Acid. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.R.S. Ed.
  1. On Super-acid and Sub-acid Salts. By William Hyde Wollaston, M.D. Sec. R.S.
  1. On the Inconvertibility of Bark into Alburnuru. By Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. F .R.S.
  1. Some Account of Cretinism. . By Henry Reeve, M.D. of Norwich
  1. On a new Property of the Tangents of the three Angles of a Plane Triangle. By Mr. William Garrard
  1. On a new Property of the Tangents of three Arches trisecting the Circumference of a Circle. By Nevil Maskelyne, D.D. F.R.S.
  1. An Account of the Application of the Gas from Coal to economical Purposes. By Mr. William Murdoch
  1. Further Experiments on the Spleen. By Everard Home, Esq. F.R.S.
  1. Observations of a Comet, made with a View to investi ate its Magnitude and the Nature of its Illumination. To which is added, an Account of anew Irregularity lately perceived in the apparent Figure of the Planet Saturn. By VVilIiam Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S
  1. Hydraulic Investigations, subservient to an intended Croonian Lecture on the Motion of the Blood. By Thomas Young, M.D. For. Sec. RS.
  1. A Letter on the Alterations that have taken place in the Structure of Rocks, on the Surface of the- basaltic Country in the Counties of Derry and Antrim. By William Richardson, D.D.