Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 18.djvu/9

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No. ML— June 17, 1869.

On a Group of Varieties of the Muscles of the Human Neck, Shoulder, and Chest, with their transitional Forms and Homologies in the Mammalia. By John Wood, F.R.C.S 1
Results of the first year's performance of the Photographically Self-recording Meteorological Instruments at the Central Observatory of the British System of Meteorological Observations. By Lieut. -General Edward Sabine, R.A., President 3
On the Connexion between oppositely disposed Currents of Air and the Weather subsequently experienced in the British Islands. By Robert H. Scott, M.A., Director of the Meteorological Office 12
On the presence of Sulphocvanides in the Blood and Urine. By Arthur Leared, M.D., M.R.I.A., &c 16
On some Elementary Principles in Animal Mechanics. — No. II. By the Rev. Samuel Haughton, M.D. Dublin, D.C.L. Oxon., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin 22
Researches on the Hydrocarbons of the series C n H2n+2. — No. V. On Octyl Compounds. By C. Schorlemmer 25
On the Derivatives of Propane. By C. Schorlemmer 29
On Hultenia, a Genus of Vitreous Sponges. By Wyville Thomson, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Science in Queen's College, Belfast 32
An Inquiry into the Variations of the Human Skull, particularly in the Antero-posterior Direction. By John Cleland, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Queen's College, Galway 35
Researches on Vanadium. — Part II. By Henry E. Roscoe, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S 37
On Pal&ocoryne, a genus of the Tubularine Hydrozoa from the Carboniferous formation. By Dr. P. Martin Duncan, F.R.S. , Sec. Geol. Soc, and H. M. Jenkins, F.G.S 42
Bakerian Lecture.— On the Continuity of the Gaseous and Liquid States of Matter. By Thomas Andrews, M.D., F.R.S., &c 42