Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 19.djvu/16

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This page needs to be proofread.


Page 216, line 4, for 200 lbs. read 2 volts. _250>- _250r

Page 287, line 27, for i'o 6 1 read v=v e t .

Page 288, line 29, for Q = C.|e ' J R

Page 324, line 13 from bottom, for arterial read cardiac.

Page 372, line 7, dele comma after the tvord ether.

Pago 374, lines 18 and 19, for " forms a sort of lather, on agitation from which" read "forms on agitation a sort of lather, from which"

Page 375, line 22, for " alkaloids ; and their derivatives thus " read " alkaloids and their derivatives ; thus " )> 5> 35, for " bromohydrobromate of tetracodeia." read " hydrobromate of bromotetracodeia."

Page 498, line 2 from bottom, after "action." insert: — "The mathematical expres- log 3 sion of this law is c = C^ lo S 2 , c being the chemical action, C the constant, and p the proportionate quantity of salt." Page vii, line 14 from bottom, for Cuchullius read Cuchullins.

Correction to W. H. L. Russell's Paper on Linear Differential Equations. — No. IV. The expression for Q, page 283, should be Q= . . • J±. + A?=i + . . . A 2 ^~ 2 +A^- 1 +A .A ccn-fj.^ x ?i- f j.-l 2 11 10 The process for ascertaining the value of the integral czz(z — «)A.-i J a (* — /j)f*+"(« — yj^+l is erroneous, but how the mistake occurred I cannot now tell. — W. II. L. R.


Vhie T. between p. G & 7. II. & II L between p. 238 & 239. 1 V. to taeo 03 S3 Y. &. Yi. between p. 492 & 493.