Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 3.djvu/13

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On the Theory of the Elliptic Transcendents. By James Ivory, A.M. An Experimental Investigation of the Phenomena of Endosmose and Exosmose. By William Ritchie, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution of Great Britain 61
On the Tides in the Port of London. By J. W. Lubbock, Esq. V.P. and Treas. R.S 62
On the Friction of Fluids. By George Rennie, Esq. V.P.R.S 63
On the Sources and Nature of the Powers on which the Circulation of the Blood depends. By A. P. W. Philip, M.D. F.R.S. L. & Ed. 64
A critical and experimental Inquiry into the Relations subsisting between Nerve and Muscle. By Wm. Charles Henry, M.D. Physician to the Manchester Royal Infirmary 64
Experiments on the Length of the Seconds' Pendulum ; made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. By Captain Edward Sabine, of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, F.R.S 66
On recrossed Vision ; being the Description of a distinct Tribe of ocular Phenomena, supplementary to a Rationale of the Laws of cerebral Vision, recently published. By John Fearn, Esq 66
On the Thermostat or Heat Governor, a self-acting physical Apparatus for regulating Temperature; constructed by Andrew Ure, M.D. F.R.S 67
On the Determination of the Thickness of Solid Substances, not otherwise measurable, by Magnetic Deviations. By the Rev. William Scoresby, F.R.S. Lond. and Edin. Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, &c 67
On a new Register Pyrometer for measuring the Expansion of Solids. Part II. By J. F. Daniell, Esq. F.R.S. Professor of Chemistry in King's College, London 69
On the Influence of Screens in arresting the progress of Magnetic Action. By William Snow Harris, Esq. F.R.S 69
On the Power of Masses of Iron to control the attractive Force of a Magnet. By William Snow Harris, Esq. F.R.S 69
On the Atmosphere of Mars. By Sir James South, F.R.S 71
On the Inflexion of Light. By John Barton, Esq 72
Researches in Physical Astronomy — On the Theory of the Moon. By J. W. Lubbock, Esq. V.P. and Treasurer of the Royal Society 75
On the Tides. By J. W. Lubbock, Esq. V.P. and Treasurer of the Royal Society 75
On the Structure of the Human Placenta and its connection with the Uterus. By Robert Lee, M.D. F.R.S. Physician to the British Lying-in Hospital 75
Facts adduced in refutation of the assertion that the Female Omithorhynchus Paradoxus has Mammas. By Sir Everard Home, Bart. F.R.S 77
On an Inequality of long Period in the Motions of the Earth and Venus. By George Biddell Airy, A.M. Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge 77