Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 60.djvu/10

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Аpril 30, 1896—соntinued.

II. On the Determination of the Photometric Intensity of the Coronal Light during the Solar Eclipse of 16th April, 1893." By Captain W. DE W. ABNEY, C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S., and T. E. ТHORPE, LL.D., F.R.S.

III. The Total Eclipse of the Sun, April 16, 1893. Report and Discussion of the Observations relating to Solar Physics." By J. NORMAN LOCKYER, C.B., F.R.S.

IV. "On some Palæolithic Implements found in Somaliland by Mr. H. W. Seton-Karr." By Sir JoHn Evans, K.C.B., D.C.L., Treas. and V.P.R.S

May 7, 1896

Sir JOSEPH LISTER, Bart., President, in the Chair

A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them

In pursuance of the Statutes, the names of the Candidates recom- mended for election into the Society were read from the Chair as follows:

Clarke, Lieut.Col. Sir George | Murray, John, Ph.D Sydenham, R.E. Collie, J. Norman, Ph.D. Downing, Arthur Matthew Weld, D.Sc Elgar, Francis, LL.D Gray, Professor Andrew, M.A Hinde, George Jennings, Ph.ID Miers, Professor Henry Alexander, M.A Mott, Frederick Walker, M.D Pearson, Professor Karl, M..A. Stebbing, Rev. Thomas Roscoe Rede, M.A Stewart, Professor Charles, M.R.C.S Wilson, William E. Woodward, Horace Bolingbroke, F.G.S Wynne, William Palmer, D.Sc.

The following Papers were read:-

I. "On the Liquation of certain Alloys of Gold." By E. MATTHEY. Comunicated by Sir G. G. STOKES, F.R.S.

II."On the Occurrence of the Element Gallium in the Clay-Iron stone of the Cleveland District of Yorkshire. Preliminary Notice." By Professor HARTLEY, F.R.S., and H. RAMAGE.