Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 60.djvu/15

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Angular Measurement of Optic Axial Emergences.

June 18, 1896—continued.

VI. “ Experimental Proof of van t Hoff s Constant, Dalton s Law. &c., in very dilute Solutions.” By Dr. M eyer W ildermasn, Communicated by Professor I itzgerald, F.R.S.

VII. “ On the Determination of the W ave-length of Electric Radiation by Diffraction Gratings.” By J. C. B ose. Communicated by L ord R ayleigh, Sec. R.S.

VIII. fiThe Effects of a strong Magnetic Field upon Electric Discharges in Vacuo.” By A. A. C. Swinton. Communicated by Lord K elvin, F.R.S.

IX. “ On the Structure of Metals, its Origin and Changes.” By M. F. Osmond and Professor R oberts-Austen, C.B., F.R .S.

X. “ Magnetisation of Liquids.” By J ohn S. T ownsend. Communicated by Professor J. J. T homson, F.R.S.

XI. Selective Absorption of Rontgen Rays.” By J. A. McClelland. Communicated by Professor J. J. T homson, F.R.S.

XII. “ On the Determination of Freezing Points.” By J. A. Harker, D .Sc. Communicated by Professor Schuster, F.R.S.

XIII. “ The M enstruation and Ovulation of Macacus rhesus; with Observations on the Changes undergone by the discharged Follicle. P art I I.” By W alter H eape. Communicated by Dr. M. F oster, Sec. R.S.

XIV. “ Phenomena resulting from Interruption of Afferent and Efferent Tracts of the Cerebellum.” By Dr. J. S. R isien Russell. Communicated by Professor V. H orsley, F.R.S. The Society adjourned over the Long Vacation to Thursday, November 19.

“ Angular Measurement of Optic Axial Emergences.” By

William J ackson P ope. Communicated by Professor Armstrong, F.R.S. Received February 7,—Read March

19, 1896.

Crystals belonging to the monoclinic or anorthic systems are rarely « obtained in which the optical orientation is such that a large crystal face is so nearly perpendicular to a bisectrix that the apparent optic axial angle as observed in air can be directly measured by means of the ordinary Fuess apparatus. It thus becomes