Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 60.djvu/4

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Page Helium and Argon Inactivity of these Elements. By Wilian Ramsay, Ph.D., FR.S., and J. Norman Collie, Ph.D., F.R.S.E On the Amouunt of Argon and Helium contained in tho Gas fron the Bath Springs By Lord Rayleigh, Sec. R.S. On the Changes produced in Magnetised Iron and Steels by cooling to the Temperature of Liquid Air. By James Dewar, LLD., F.R.S., Fullerian Professor of Cheistry in the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and J. A. Fleming, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Elec trical Engincering in University College, London On the Electrical Resistivity of Bisuth at the Temperature of Liquid Air. Chemistry in the Royal Institution, and J. A. Fleming, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Electrical Engineering i University College, London.. On the Electrical Resistivity of Pure Mercury at the Temperature of Liquid Air. By Janes Dewar, LLD., F.R.S., Fullerian Professor of Chenistry in the Royal Institution, and J. A. Fleming, M.A. D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Electrical Eugineering in University College, London On the Magnetic Permeability and Hysteresis of Iron at Low Tem peratures Electrical Engineering in University College, London, and James Dewar, LD., F.R.S., Fullerian Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution, &c. Experiments which show the Part ПI. 53 56 57 By Janes Dewar, LL.D., F.R.S., Fulleria Professor of 72 76 By J. A. Flening, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of 81 No. 360 Observations o Atmospheric Electricity at the Kew Observatory. By C. Chree, Sc., Superintendent On the unknown Lines observed in the Spectra of certain Minerals By J. Nornan Lockyer, C.B., F.R.S 96 133 The Relation between the Refraction of the Elements and their Chemical Equivalents. By J. H. Gladstone, D.Sc., F.R.S.. 140 Selective Absorption of Rntgen Rays. By J. A. MClelland, M.A. Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland 146 Ou the Structure of Metals, its Origin and Changes. By F. Osmond and W. C. Roberts-Austen, C.B, F.RS., Professor of Metallurgy, Royal College of Science On the Relations between the Viscosity (Internal Friction) of Liquids and their Chemical Nature F.R.S., and J. W. Rodger, Assoc. R.C.S 148 Part Ii. Вy Т. Е. Тhorpe, LLLD., 152 On the Determination of Freezing Points. By J. A. Harker, D.Sc. 154 No. 361 Etude des Carbures Métalliques. By Heuri Moissan 156 Complete Freezing-point Curves of Binary Alloys containing Silver or Copper, together with another Metal. By C. T. Heycock, M. A. F.R.S., and F. H. Neville, M.A 160