Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 60.djvu/499

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Proceedings and List of Papers read.

(g) Nevertheless, the value of the phase lends some support to the view that thei’e is a real connexion between the change in the moon’s distance and earthquake frequency, since the maximum frequency falls near the time of perigee.

(h) These conclusions have, in comparison with previous similar investigations, a peculiar value, inasmuch as they are based upon accurate statistics of fully 7000 earthquakes occurring within eight years in a limited part of the earth’s crust, throughout which the seismic conditions may be assumed to be fairly similar from point to point.

February 11, 1897.

The LORD LISTER, F.R.C.S., D.C.L., President, in the Chair. A List of the Presents received was laid on the table, and thanks ordered for them.

Communications from Professor Oliver L odge, P.R.S., and Dr. L armor, F.R.S., on the recent discovery by Dr. P. Zeeman of the effect of a magnetic field on the light emitted by a soda flame, were read by the Secretary. The following Papers were read:—

X. “ The Oviposition of Nautilus macromphahcs.” By A rthur W illey, D.Sc., Balfour Student of the University of Cambridge. Communicated by A lfred N ewton, M.A., F.R.S., on behalf of the Managers of the Balfour Fund.

II. “ Report to the Committee of the Royal Society appointed to investigate the Structure of a Coral Reef by boring.” By W. J. S ollas, D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Geology in the University of Dublin.

III. “ The artificial Insemination of Mammals and subsequent possible Fertilisation of their Ova.” By W alter H eape, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Communicated by F rancis Galton, F.R.S.

IV. “ On the.Regeneration of Nerves.” By R obert K ennedy, M.A., B.Sc., M.D. (Glasgow).