Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 60.djvu/589

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Dewar (J.) and Fleming (J. A.) Changes produced in Magnetised Iron and Steels by Cooling to the Temperature of Liquid Air, 57. Experiments on the Electrical Resistance of Bismuth, 6 On the Electrical Resistivity of Bismuth at the Temperature of Liquid Air, 72; On the Electrical Resistivity of Bismuth at Low Temperatures and in Magnetie Fields, 425. On the Electrical Resistivity of Pure Morcury at the Temperature of Liquid Air, 76 On the Magnetic Permcability and Ilysteresis of Iron at Low Tempera tures, 81 On the Magnetie Permeability of Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Air, 283 The Dielectric Constants of Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Air, 358 Dielectric Constants of Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Air (Fleming and Dewar), 358 Dielectrics, Capacity, &c., of, as affected by Temperature and Time (Hopkinson and Wilson), 425 Diffusion of Helium and Argon (Ramsay and Collie), 206 Donation Fund, Grants from, 328. Downing (Arthur Matthew Weld) elected, 4; admitted, 5

Earthquake Frequency and Lunar Periodicity (Knott), 457 Eclipse of the Sun, April 16, 1893 (Lockyer), 17 Observations relating to Solar Physics On the Photonmetric Intensity of the Coronal Light during the (Abney and Thorpe), 15 in 1896, Preliminary Report on Results with Prismatic Camera (Lockyer) 270. Novaya Zemlya Observations (Baden-Powell), 271 Eden (T. W.) The Occurrence of Nutritive Fat in the Human Placenta. Pre- liminary Communication, 40. Eel, Reproduction and Metamorphosis of the Common (Grassi), 260 Electric Are at various pressures in Air, CO, &c..; Evaporation rate in Mercury and Carbon Craters; Mercury Crater Temperature (Wilson and Fitzgerald) 377 Discharges in Vacuo, Effects of Magnetic Field upon (Swinton), 179. Spectrum, produced by Grating, Linear nature of (Bose), 167. Electrical Conductivity and Anisotropic Absorption of Electro-Magnetic Radiation, Relation between (Bose), 433. Discharges of Hligh Frequency, Detection and Measurement of, by Magnetised Steel Needles (Rutherford), 184 Organ of Malapterurus electricus, Electromotive Properties of (Goteh and Burch), 37 Resistance of Bismuth, Experiments on the (Fleming and Dewar), 6. Resistivity of Bismuth at the Temperature of Liquid Air (Dewar and Fleming), 72 of Pure Mercury, at the Temperature of Liquid Air (Dewar and Flening) 76. Electricity, Atmospheric, Observations at Kew Observatory (Chree), 96 Electrograph, Action of, in the interpretation of Records (Cree), 96. Electro-Magnetie Radiation, Polarisation of by Nemalite, Chrysotle, Fibrous Gypsum, and Epidote (Bose), 433 Electrometer, Capillary, Theory of the (Burch), 329 Electrotonic Currents of Nerve, Influence of Temperature upon (Waller), 383