Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 60.djvu/8

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Page On LunarPeriodicities in Earthquake Frequency. By C. G. Kuott, D.Sc., Lecturer on Applied Mathematics, Edinburgh University (formerly Professor of Physics, Imperial University, Japan) 457 No. 367 Meeting of February 11, 1897, with List of Papers read The Oviposition of Nautilus macromphalus. By Arthur Willey, D.Sc., Balfour Student of the University of Cambridge by Alfred Newton, M.A., F.R.S., on behalf of the Managers of the Balfour Fund 466 Communicated 467 On the Regeneratio of Nerves. By Robert Kennedy, M.A., B.Sc., M.D. (Glasgow). Communicated by Professor McKendrick, F.R.S. Meeting of February 18, 1897, with List of Papers read On the Iron Lines present in the Hottest Stars. Preliminary Note By J. Norman Lockyer, C.B., F.R.S. On the Significance of Bravais' Formule for Regression, &c., in the case of Skew Correlation. By G. Udny Yule. Communicated by Pro- fessor Karl Pearson, F.R.S. . 472 474 475 477 Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution-On a Form of Spurious Correlation which may arise when Indices are used in the Measurement of Organs. College, London Note to the Memoir by Professor Karl Pearson, F.R.S., on Spurious Correlation. By Francis Galton, F.R.S. Report to the Committee of the Royal Society appointed to investigate the Structure of a Coral Reef by Boring. F.R.S., Professor of Geology in the University of Dubli.... The Influence of a Magnetic Field on Radiation Frequency nication fronı Professor Oliver Lodge, F.R.S. .. The Influence of a Magnetic Field on Radiation Frequency nication from Dr. J. Larmor, F.R.S. By Kar Pearson, f.R.S., University 489 498 By W. J. Sollas, D.Sc., 502 Commu 513 Commu 514 Obituary Notices Hermann Kopp John Rae... ...... viii Franz Ernst Neumann Sir Joseph Prestwich.... Sir George Johnson Henry Newell Martin Brian Houghton Hodgson хiі xvi XX ххiї William Crawford Williamson.. xxvii Sir George Henry Richards, K.C.B Xxiі Index xxxvii Erratum xlvi