Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/114

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Messrs. V. H. Veley and J. J. Manley.

SECTION II. The Refractive Indices of Nitric Acid..


The earliest observation on record upon any one sample of nitric acid appears to be that of Baden-Powell,* namely, /V 8 ' 8 1-4026, but the percentage concentration is not given. Twenty-seven years later- van der Willigenf published values of //, for various spectrum lines from A to H determined at the same temperature from which the absolute index (Cauchy's method) is deduced from the formula

n = 1 -385967 + 0-527631 A---0-18099(10 (1 ) A -4.

The values of ^ for the same line at different temperatures are also given, from which A/A/ A;! = O'000424/l is deduced.

Owing to experimental difficulties, especially in the measurement of /* 4 , only one particular sample was fully examined by v. d. Willigen, namely, of concentration 58*89 per cent.

His work will, however, be alluded to frequently in the sequel for the following reasons : (i) his instrument was by the same maker and of the same construction ; (ii) his methods present certain points of similarity ; and (iii) his more detailed observations on mixtures of sulphuric acid and water showed that Biot's and Arago's formula

( 1 00 - p) (p? - 1 )/(l +p (/*'-' - 1 )/d' = 1 00 (p"* - 1 )/d"

was inadmissible in such a case, not of admixture, but of presumed chemical combination, but that variations of //. for the same liquid at different temperatures can be expressed by a differential :

Gladstone, I in the course of his prolonged investigations on Kefrac- tion Equivalents M(/x -l)d, has from time to time given values for different spectrum lines ; these results in the particular cases of R a , R D , and R, for samples of percentage values varying from 6 to 98 -7 per cent, have been collated together by the above-mentioned observer with Hibbert, from which the average rate of change per difference of percentage, namely, R 2 - Ki/pi -p->, is calculated. Ten samples from two specimens of percentage values varying from 6 to 98 - 7 per cent, have been examined, and the experimental results illustrated by diagrams of curves.

The general conclusion arrived at is " that the refraction equivalent

  • ' The Undulatory Theory,' p. 112 (London, 1841).

t ' Archives Musee Teyler' (1), 79 (Haarlem, 1868), and (2), 238 (1869). I ' Roy. Soc. Proc.,' vol. 16, p. 439 ; ' Phil. Trans.,' 1870 ; Journ. Chem. Soc.,' (Trans.), 1891, p. 589.

'Journ. Chem. Soc.' (Trans.), 1895, p. 831.