Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/194

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Dr. A. D. Waller.

Experiment 9. Direct Excitation. Similar Observation, more closely taken, with Photographic Records. Berne Coil ; 2 L. ; Tetanisation ; + and - signify outgoing and ingoing.

Excitation Time after ( + and denote) decapitation. direction of break.

40 min. 1000 +

Response. -0-0020



10000 +




90 min.

1000 +

+ trace.

(same pad)

1000- 10000 +

+ trace. + 0-0020

10000 -

+ 0-0020

135 min.

1000 +


(fresh pad)

1000- 10000 +

-0-0010 -0-0010


+ 0-0004, -0-0005

10000 +

+ 0003, -0-0004


+ 0-0008, - ?

10000 +

+ 0-0010

4| hours

10000 +

+ 0-0016

(same pad)

10000 -

+ 0-0022

24 hours

1000 +


(same pad)

1000- 10000 +


+ 0-0017

10000 -

+ 0-0013

Similar results were observed in other observations of similar type (as well as in experiments according to the A, B, C plan, vide infra), weak excitation of the fresh pad giving ingoing, and strong excitation outgoing response. Weak subsequent to strong excitation gave no effect, while the latter gave regular outgoing effects.

Twenty -four hours post mortem weak excitation gave no effect ; with strengthened excitation the first visible effect was outgoing, and with strong excitation the outgoing effect was generally larger than on the day of death.

In general the outgoing effect is the far more prominent and regular phenomenon ; the conditions most favourable to manifestation of the less prominent and more evanescent ingoing effect being a fresh skin and not too strong excitation. With lapse of time, or as an imme- diate consequence of strong excitation, the ingoing effect of weak excitation is abolished.