Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/384

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Mr. F. V. Theobald. On the Culiciclce of India,

No doubt others, as C. pipiens, A. superpictus, &c., will be found on further search being made. The most interesting is the presence of 0. cantans in South India.

Genus ANOPHELES Meigen. Table of Indian Anopheles.

A. Metatarsi and tarsi banded. a. Posterior tarsi pure white.

(3. Last three hind tarsi and most of the first white. y. Abdomen densely scaly, pulcherrimus. n. sp. yy. Abdomen not densely scaly.

Costa with three small white spots ; wings very dark : fringe

at apex black, fuliginosus, Giles.

Costa with seven alternate black and yellow spots ; fore meta- tarsus banded in middle. Legs slightly spotted.

Jamesii, Theobald. (3(3. Last two hind tarsi white.

Wings jet black, with five white costal spots and anapical

spot. Theobaldi, Giles. (3(3(3. Last hind tarsus white.

Legs speckled and banded, maculatus, Theobald. aa. Posterior tarsi not pure white. 8. Costa with two pale spots.

i. Palpi densely scaled and banded.

Cross- veins close together; base of 1st sub-marginal cell not under apex of the sub-costal, pale costal spots small, sinensis, Wiedemann.

Cross-veins far apart ; base of 1st sub-marginal distant from end of sub-costal ; apical fringe pale.

Sub-sp. annulans, Van der Wulp.

Cross-veins as above, but base of 1st sub-marginal cell lies just under the end of the sub-costal.

Indiensis, Theobald.

Near annularis, but the wing-scales less elongated, and a black apical fringe and pale patch at end of lower branch of 5th vein, nigerrimus, Giles, ii. Palpi densely scaled, but unbanded.

barbirostris, Van der Wuip. 88. Costa with more than two pale spots. e. Legs with basal pale bands, gigas, Giles, ee. Logs with apical pale bands, legs speckled.

metaboles, n. sp.

eee. Legs with apical and basal banding. Rossii, Giles, eeee. Legs unbanded ; wing fringe with three pale spots.