Page:Progress and Feasibility of Toll Roads and Their Relation to the Federal Aid Program.pdf/3

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The Secretary of Commerce,
Washington 25, April 14, 1955.

Hon. Sam Rayburn,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Washington 25, D. C.

My Dear Mr. Speaker: I transmit herewith a report of the progress and feasibility of toll roads, with particular attention to the possible effects of such toll roads upon the Federal-aid highway programs, including recommendations with respect to Federal participation in toll roads.

The report was prepared by the Commissioner of Public Roads with the aid of information supplied by the State highway departments, pursuant to section 13 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1954. This report completes the directive contained in section 13, since a report on the costs of completing the several systems of highways in the several States, and the financing thereof, was submitted to the Congress on March 25, 1955.

The report describes the progress of recent toll-road development in the United States and gives consideration to the additional mileage that might be feasibly constructed through toll financing. It also discusses the effect of toll roads on the Federal-aid program, and makes recommendations with respect to Federal participation in toll roads.

Sincerely yours,

Sinciair Weeks,
Secretary of Commerce.