Page:Project Longshot - Advanced Design Program Project Report.pdf/5

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1.2 Technology

Using purely current technologies, a mission to another star system would be impossible to complete. There are basically three main areas where advances are needed: propulsion, data processing for command and control functions, and reliability.

In order to reduce transit time to an acceptable length, specific impulses on the order of 10E6 seconds are required. This represents an increase of several orders of magnitude over chemical rockets and nuclear rocket models which can be implemented using only present technology. To achieve the required levels of impulse, a pulsed fusion reactor based rocket engine is proposed. Based on the current level of technology in the field of microbomb fusion it is reasonable to assume that in 20 to 30 years such a system will be possible.

Due to the great distance at which the probe will operate, positive control from earth will be impossible due to the great time delays involved. This fact necessitates that the probe be able to think for itself. In order to accomplish this, advances will be required in two related but separate fields, artificial intelligence and computer hardware. AI research is advancing at a tremendous rate. Progress during the last decade has been phenomenal and there is no reason to expect it to slow any time soon. Therefore, it should be possible to design a system with the required intelligence by the time that this mission