Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/117

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No more for ever, and the curse wherewith 910
His father cursed him in the day he fell,
Kronos, from off his secular seat, shall find
To the utterance then fulfilment. Of such pain
The averting that might be no god in heaven,
Not one, can show him certainly, but I:
I know it, and the manner of it. So now
Let him sit with heart uplift and put his trust
In rummage of the upper air, and shake
An engine in his hands, whose blast is fire:
All this shall help him nothing, nor defend
That fall he should not falls irreparable,
A laughter and hissing. Such antagonist 920
He now makes ready against himself, a fear
Embodied, ill to match, one that shall find
A flame more shrewd than lightning, and a noise
Mightier than mighty thunders; yea the spear
That palsy-shakes the earth with strength of the seas,
The trident of Poseidon, he shall make

As though it were not. In that day shall Zeus,