Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/120

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The drudge of the young monarchy. He is come,
Of that no doubt, some new thing on his tongue.

[Hermes enters.]


This word to thee, the master-wit, to thee
More bitter than all bitter things, the prime
Offender against the gods, purveying honours
To perishable flesh, the thief of fire!—
Thus saith the Father: Thou shalt surely speak
And say what manner of marriage this may be
Thou vauntest of, and who they are, whereby
The One that rules shall fall; and that nowise
With riddling lips, but each particular
After its proper truth: nor make me tread 950
The same path twice, Prometheus: such, thou see'st,
Were not the way to appease the heart of Zeus.


Superb in utterance, blown with lusty pride,

His speech is: hear the servant of the gods!