Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/128

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To the land where no light is, the house of death,
The dark unfathom'd, where is Tartaros.
Wherefore advise thee, seeing this I utter1030
Is nothing feign'd, but spoken home and surely.
The high God's mouth knows not to speak the thing
That false is, but shall stablish all. Thou then
Look narrowly, take thought, and never deem
Advisedness of lesser praise than pride.


To us the words of Hermes have some show
Of reason, bidding thee remit thy pride,
To explore the sage path of advisedness.
Be ruled: the wise get shame, who go astray.


Or ever his lips had let it go, 1040
I knew his burden: that foe of foe
Should suffer evil is no new law.

Light on me now the writhen hair