Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/22

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it would probably have to be by the co-operation of many minds, in which the idiosyncrasies of each would find correction. With so much ability at large, directed to the production of excellent verse and genuine poetry, which yet represents no new force in literature, would it be impossible to concentrate some of it on such a work as I have named? Should this suggestion find lodgment in any quarter, where it may bear fruit, the present translation, whether it succeeds or fails, will have accomplished all that I could desire.

It remains to acknowledge my obligations to Mr. W. Headlam, who was good enough to read the translation in MS. and allow me to profit by his exceptional knowledge both of Aeschylus and of English verse; also to Mr. Campbell Dodgson and Mr. Gerard Bevan, who read through the proofs and pointed out various improvements.
