Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/63

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The names are manifold, the Named is one,— 210
Had in her prescience warn'd, no single time,
But often, how the future should be cast,
Saying that not by might, nor strength of arm
The victors should have prevalence, but by guile.
But they, when I expounded them the matter,
Did not so much as deign to look at me.
So in such pass no better way appear'd,—
What other offer'd?—than with her, my Mother,
To hold by Zeus in free confederacy.
If then the bottomless black of Tartaros
Entombs with all his warriors Kronos old, 220
My counsels wrought it. See what benefit
The usurper of Heaven's empire had of me!
With what bad recompense he pays the debt!
But so it is: this is the very plague
Of tyranny, to poison faith in friends.
But for your question, with what cause alleged
He so mishandles me, learn now the truths
So soon as ever he was sat where erst

His father, straight to all the powers of Heaven