Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/77

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For by laws of his own pleasure
Zeus rules, and bitter measure
In his pride of heart he dealeth
To them that of old were kings.

And heaven with a cry from the utmost land is rended
For the worship that erst was thine and thy brethren's, splendid
In the glory of ancient time.
Yea, for these thy tribulations
All mankind mourns, the nations
That have got their homes in Asia, 410
That are set in a holy clime;—

They that dwell in Kolchis, daughters
Dreadless, when the red spear slaughters,
And the folk, that by the waters
Meotic won[1] extreme of men, the Scythian stock,

  1. Line 419. 'Won,' to dwell.
    'The wild beast, where he wons
    In forest wild.'—Milton, Par. L. vii. 457.