Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/95

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Seeing they are even sisters of thy sire.
Behold, to take thy fill of sighing and tears
In such society as will yield thee, hearing,
Like human drops, is time not given in vain.


To you I see not how I should be stubborn: 640
Nay, ye shall hear it all, as ye desire,
In large relation,—though I am verily shamed
To tell that storm, not earthly, the confounding
Of my corporeal feature, whence it rushed
And brake on me in ruinous wise. Thus then:
The chambers, where I housed, a virgin hidden,
Strange faces aye in the night would visit, wooing
With sooth[1] suggestion: "O most huge in fortune,
Most happiest of all maidens,—wherefore maiden,
O wherefore so long maiden, when there waits thee

  1. Line 648, "Sooth," sweet, winning.
    "The soothest shepherd that e'er piped on plains."
    Milton, Comus, 823.
    Cf. "Words of sooth."
    Shakespeare, Richard II., iii. 3, 136.