Page:Prometheus bound - Browning (1833).djvu/122

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Among the wassail rout, and all the lamps
Are quench'd; and wither'd the wine-pouring hands!

Mine heart is armëd not in panoply
Of the old Roman iron, nor assumes
The Stoic valour. 'Tis a human heart,
And so confesses, with a human fear;—
That only for the hope the cross inspires,
That only for the man who died and lives,
'Twould crouch beneath thy sceptre's royalty,
With faintness of the pulse, and backward cling
To life. But knowing what I soothly know,
High-seeming Death, I dare thee! and have hope,
In God's good time, of showing to thy face
An unsuccumbing spirit, which sublime
May cast away the low anxieties
That wait upon the flesh—the reptile moods;
And enter that eternity to come,
Where live the dead, and only Death shall die.