Page:Prometheus bound - Browning (1833).djvu/41

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Would that under earth, beneath

Haïdes, the host of death,
Into baseless Tartarus,
He had hurl'd me shackled thus
Cruelly, infrangibly!
Then, neither god nor man could be
Rejoicer o'er Prometheus' woes:
Now, motion'd by each wind that blows,
I gladden—wretched me!—my foes.


Who of the gods so stern as to be gladden'd?

Who by thy fate unsadden'd?
Who of the gods, save Jove? He, ever lending
To wrath his soul unbending,
Ruleth the heav'ns, nor e'er shall cease from ill,
Until his heart be satiate, or until
By fraud the sceptre's strength be wrested from his will.