Page:Prometheus bound - Browning (1833).djvu/51

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For tho' perchance my words, an olden saw
May seem, Prometheus, such the recompense
Attending lofty speech! But thou, in nought
Abased, to sorrow yieldest not, and fain
Wouldst add unto thy present, future ill!
Therefore bv me instruct, thou never more
Wilt kick against the goad,7 seeing that Jove,
Is cruel, and to none accountable.
And now depart I from thee, and will strive,
If aught I can, to work thy liberty.
Calm thy roused soul, nor passion in thy speech!
Hast thou not learned, who art learn'd in much,
That ruin presses on the idle tongue?
Pro. I honor thee, who uncompell'd, partak'st
My present curse, and darest that to come.
Now, rest—forget me!—thou wilt move not him:
He is unmoving; rather heed thyself,
Lest visiting my grief should stir his vengeance.
Ocea. More subtle far thou art for others' weal,