Page:Prometheus bound - Browning (1833).djvu/68

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Whence didst thou utter forth my father's name?

Say to the sorrowing one—who canst thou be,
Oh miserable thou, who dost acclaim
Such true discourse to miserable me?
Naming the Jove-impelled malady,
Which goads with furious sting, my strength down-sweeping;
And with the hungry scourges of whose leaping,
Urged wildly on, I sought this path.
Subdued by Juno's wily wrath?
Of those acquaint with misery,
Who, alas! are sad as I?
But, now what suffering waits me, plainly show;
And what, oh, what, the med'cine of my woe.
Speak to the wand'ring maid, if aught thou know.
Pro. And plainly will I speak whate'er thou wouldst;