Page:Prometheus bound - Browning (1833).djvu/79

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Io.A benefit
Having foreshown me, now despoil me not.
Pro. Of two discourses, I will give thee one.
Io. What two? Declare; and yield the choice to me.
Pro. I yield it. Choose that I should clearly name
Thy future woes, or my deliverer.
Cho. Vouchsafe one grace to her, and one to me;
Nor do dishonor to our mutual prayers;
To her narrate her future wandering;
To me, who shall deliver. This I yearn for.
Pro. Since ye desire it, I will question not,
Narrating all ye would. Io, to thee,
Thy various wand'rings I will first unfold.
Which in the book-memorial of thy mind19
Do thou inscribe. What time thy steps have pass'd
The strait, the boundary of continents,
Toward the fire-eyed, sun-track'd orient—
