Page:Prometheus bound - Browning (1833).djvu/82

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For thou didst wander to Molossian plains,
Around sublime Dodona, where abide
The seat and oracle of Jove Thesprotian;
And, sign incredible! the prophet oaks,
By whom, without enigma, lucidly,
Hailëd thou wast as one about to be
Jove's glorious bride—if thee that title charm!
From thence impelled, thou didst rush along
The sea-side path to Rhea's mighty bay,
Whence thou wast driv'n with wand'rings retrograde;
And time shall come, when that recess of sea,
Know soothly, shall be named Ionian,
Memorial unto all men of thy steps.
To thee these words are signals of my mind,
How it views more than what is visible:
But unto you, and her, I will in common
Declare the rest, pursuing the same track
Of previous words. There is a town, Canobus,
Earth's bourne, upon the mouth and banks of Nile.