Page:Prometheus bound - Browning (1833).djvu/89

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Prometheus, Chorus, and Hermes.

Her. Thee, sophist, who dost pass in bitterness
Thy bitter woes; thee, sinner ’gainst the gods,
And honorer of men, and thief of fire;
Thee do I hail ! Our Sire commandeth thee
To say what marriage moves thy glorying,
By which he shall be hurl’d from empire’s seat:
And this, in naught obscurely, but in all
Clearly reveal; nor cast before me, Titan,
Thy double paths. Thou mayst perceive that Jove
Is not appeasëd by such policy.
Pro. Thy words are dignified, and full of wisdom,
As doth befit the menial of the gods.
New gods, ye newly reign, and think forsooth
T’ inhabit citadels impregnable.
Have I not seen two tyrants hurlëd thence?
Yea ! and the third, the now King, I shall see,
Disgracefully and quickly. Seem I not