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Page:Propertius - tr. Butler - Loeb 1912.djvu/22

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N. The best MS. of Propertius is the Codex Neapolitanus, now at Wolfenbüttel (Gud. 224). It contains the whole of the poet's works with the exception of IV. ii. 11–76, where four pages have been lost. It dates from the twelfth century.

To supplement N we have three MSS. belonging to another family, but on the whole agreeing with N. These are:

(1) A. The Codex Vossianus 38, now at Leyden. This MS. contains Book I. and the first sixty-two lines of II. i. It dates from the early fourteenth century.

(2) F. The Codex Laurentianus , now at Florence, in the Laurentian Library (plut. 36, 49). It contains the whole of Propertius; and dates from the close of the fourteenth or the very beginning of the fifteenth century.

(3) L. The Codex Holkhamicus, now in the library of the Earl of Leicester at Holkham. It contains Propertius from II. xxi. 3 to the end, and is dated 1421.

Two other MSS. may be mentioned. They closely follow N, and are useful where N fails us in Book IV. They are:

(1) μ. The Codex Parisinus (8233), sometimes called Memmianus, written in 1465.

(2) υ. The Codex Urbinas (641), in the Vatican. It likewise dates from the fifteenth century.
