CICERO, DE FINIBUS, translated by H. Rackham, of Christ's College, Cambridge. 1 volume.
- DE OFFICIIS, translated by Walter Miller, of the University of Missouri. 1 volume.
- FAMILIARES, translated by E. O. Winstedt, of Magdalen College, Oxford. 5 volumes.
- LETTERS TO ATTICUS, translated by E. O. Winstedt, of Magdalen College, Oxford, Volume II.
HORACE, EPISTLES AND SATIRES, translated by W.G. Hale, of the University of Chicago, and G. L. Hendrickson, of Yale University. 1 volume.
ODES AND EPODES, translated by C. E. Bennett, of Cornell University. 1 volume.
PLAUTUS, translated by Paul Nixon, of Bowdoin College. 4 volumes.
PETRONIUS, translated by M. Heseltine, of New College, Oxford. 1 volume.
PLINY'S LETTERS, Mellmott's translation, revised.
SENECA'S TRAGEDIES, translated by F. J. Miller, of the University of Chicago. 2 volumes.
SUETONIUS, translated by J. C. Rolfe, of the University of Pennsylvania. 2 volumes.
TACITUS, DIALOGUS, translated by Wm. Peterson, of McGill University; GERMANIA AND AGRICOLA, translated by Maurice Hutton, of the University of Toronto. 1 volume.
VIRGIL, translated by H. R. Fairclough, of Stamford University. 2 volumes.
Full Prospectus on application.
Note: Under the title Machines or Mind, Dr. Rouse has written an essay on the advantages to be gained by study of the Classics. It will be forwarded post-free on application.