Page:Proud dutchess, or, Death and the lady.pdf/7

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( 7 )

But he that is friend to himſelf,
will provide for a cold winter day;
It will help him in time of his need,
when his friends they will frown him away.

When work and money comes in,
O then I'm as briſk as a bee,
And while I've got ſixpence to ſpend,
O my friends they will all viſit me.
But if I've nor a ſixpence to ſpend,
and a ſixpence I go for to borrow,
I'll be ſure to come back as I went,
'tis very well known to my ſorrow.

And if I to the ale-houſe do go,
and ſpend what I've toil'd for ſo long,
If I ask them to truſt but one pot,
they ſtraightway will bid me be gone.
And if I run on with old ſcores,
and get no more money to ſpend,
They'll be ſure to clap bums to my back,
for a man without money has no friend.

My breeches are ragged and torn,
and my ſtockings hang over my ſhoes,
My pockets no money will hold,
for in truth I've got none for to loſe.
My ſhirt is as black as a coal,
for want of an induſtrious wife,
And if you can help me good fellows,
I'll mind you all the days of my life.