Page:Pseudonyms of authors.djvu/116

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Epic of Hades, (author of) Ernest Halfenstein, Ernest Werner, Ervie, Esther, Esther Sarah Kenneth, Eternal Hope and Panishment, (au, of) Eugene Sue, Euphranor, (author of) Everlasting Punishment, (aa.of) E. von Rotherfels, Fancies of a Whimsical Man, (an. of) Fannie Grev, Faye Huntington, Five Knights of St. Albans, (an. oO Flaccus, F. M. P., Folio Tom, Forest Arcadia, (author of) Fosters Brothers, (author of) Francis Eastwood, Frank Brier wood, Frank Hudson, Frederick Mohr, Fredol, Friday Night, (author of) Friedricli Halm, Fun and Earnest, (author of) F. W. R., G. and P. Wharton, Gentle and Simple, (au. of) QeoTge Fleming, Georges d' Heilly, Georges d' HeylH, Ghostly Colloquies, (au. of) Gk)lo Raimund, Gontrau Borys, (Paris Press) Grace Graham, Grimm, Gryli Grange, (author of) Gwilym Caledfryn, Lewis Morris. Mrs. Seba Smith, nie Elizabeth Cakes. Emilia Buerstenbinder. Emily C. Pearson. A. W. Buchan. Mrs. E. M. Babson. Henry Smith Sutton. Marie Joseph Eugene Sue. 1804 1857 E. Fitzgerald. Heniy William Pullen. Emma von Ingerslaven. F, Townsend. Mrs. E. D. Hundley. Mrs. I. H. Foster. William Mudford. .... ... John Waters. *.. F. M. Peard. J. E. Babson. Nathaniel W. Coffin, James Payne, (pub. 1859) Mrs. D. C. Knevals. Mabel Clifton. George Kimball. .... .... Charles Leidhof. Horace B. A. Moquin Tandon J. S. Isaacs, (pub. 1870) Muench-Bellinghausen F. Townsend. Fannie W. Rankin. Katherine and John Thompson Margaret Agnes Pnul. Julia Fletcher. Leon Gambetta. (?) 1838 Austin Edward Poinsot. F. Townsend. George Dannenberg. Eugene Berthoud. Mrs. S. B. Titterington. Louis Amede Eugene Achard. 1814 1875 Thomas Love Peacock. 1785 1866 Rev. William Williams. <•%