Page:Psychology and preaching.djvu/351

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oretical and impractical ; and, since he does not take much to theory and does take decidedly to the practical, theologi cal doctrines and creedal formularies do not appeal to him strongly. Hence questions as to orthodoxy and heresy do not, as a rule, interest him very much. He fancies that he does not see any essential difference between the practical conduct of those who make much of their orthodoxy and that of those who are accounted heretical and the practical conduct of contending theological groups often seems to him to fall below the impersonal standards recognized in com petitive business. He is broadly tolerant in matters of re ligious opinion; and his tolerance grows partly out of his indifference as to opinions which cannot be submitted to the rough and ready tests which he is in the habit of applying. Moreover, he is strenuously occupied with quite different matters, and is a firm believer in the division of labour, and therefore leaves matters of theology to be settled by the min isters of his religious group as a part of their function willing enough to leave such troublesome, and as he thinks, relatively unimportant affairs to those who have a taste for them. Of course, many business men prefer that their pastors be orthodox whatever that may mean because heresy has a bad sound and is usually disturbing ; and men of naturally conservative disposition oppose heresy simply on the ground that it disturbs the established order. But this attitude is far from being universal. Others like the taste of heresy in the pulpit, because it breaks the monotony ; and they champion the heretical minister, not so much be cause they regard his particular opinions as matters of first- rate importance, as because they think his non-conformity a sign of independence of spirit and they believe in that, particularly in theology. But their interest is most likely not in the orthodoxy or the heresy, per se.

His interest is always in the practical aspect of religion. But let us define this notion a little more carefully. In the first place, he looks at the ethical quality which religion im parts to conduct. Does the religion make men more sober,

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