Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/454

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Ulrichs, 227
Urning, memorial of one, 410
Urnings, 255
cases of, 257-279
laws concerning, 413

Vampirism, 87
Vanity, 16
Velvet-fetichism, 180
Violation of children, 402
Viraginity, 279
Virility, loss of, 12
Voice as a fetich, 22

Westermarck, 15, 16, 20
Westphal, 224
Whitechapel murderer, 64
Woman, elevation of, 3
in Old Testament and Gospels, 4
position of, 2
sexual appetite of, 15
rôle of, 13

Woman-haters' ball, 417
Women, defilement of, 79
injury of, 70
masochism in, 137

Zones, erogenous, 31