Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/464

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Medical Publications of Tlie F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. HARE Epilepsy: Its Pathology and Treatment. Being an Essay to which was Awarded a Prize of Four Thousand Francs by the Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique, December 31, 1889. By Hobart Amort Hare, M.D. (Univ. of Penna.), B.Sc, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College, Phila. ; Physician to St. Agnes' Hospital and to the Children's Dispensary of the Chil- dren's Hospital ; Laureate of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium, of the Medica] Society of London, etc. ; Member of the Association of American Physicians. No. 7 in the Physicians' and Students' Beady -liefer ence Series. 12mo. 228 pages. Neatly bound in Dark -blue Cloth. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.25, net ; in Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; in Prance, 7 fr. 75. It is representative of the most advanced views of the profession, and the subject is pruned of the vast amount of superstition and nonsense that generally obtains in connection with epilepsy. Medical Age. Every physician who would get at the gist of all that is worth knowing on epilepsy, and who would avoid useless research among the mass of literary nonsense which pervades all medical libraries, should get this work." The Sanitarian. It contains all that is known of the pathology of this strange disorder, a clear discussion of the diagnosis from allied, neuroses, and the very latest therapeutic measures for relief. It is remarkable for its clearness, brevity, and beauty of style. It is, so far as the reviewer knows, altogether the best essay ever written upon this important subject. Kansas City Medical Index. The task of preparing the work must have been most laborious, but we think that Dr. Hare will be repaid for his efforts by a wide appreciation of the work by the profession ; for the book will be instructive to those who have not kept abreast with the recent litera- ture upon this subject. Indeed, the work is a sort of Dictionary of epilepsy a reference guide-book upon the subject. Alienist and [Neurologist. HARE Fever: Its Pathology and Treatment. Being the Boylston Prize Essay op Harvard University for 1890. Containing Directions and the Latest Information Con- cerning the Use of the So-Called Anti- pyretics in Fever and Pain. By Hobart Amory Hare, M.D. (Univ. of Penna.), B.Sc, Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College, Phila.; Physician to St. Agnes' Hospital and to the Children's Dispensary ef the Chil- dren's Hospital; Laureate of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium, of the Medical Society of London, etc.; Member of the Association of American Physicians. No. 10 in the Physicians' and Students' Ready-Reference Series. 12mo. Neatly bound in Dark-blue Cloth. Illustrated with more than 25 new plates of tracings of various fever cases, showing beautifully and accurately the action of the Antipyretics. The work also contains 35 carefully prepared statistical tables of 249 cases showing the untoward effects of the antipyretics. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.25, net ; in Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; in Prance, 7 fr. 75. As is usual with this author, the subject is thoroughly handled, and much experimental and clinical evidence, both from the author's experience and that of others, is adduced in support of the view taken. New York Medical Abstract. The author has done an able piece of work in showing the facts as far as they are known concerning the action of antipyrin, anti- febrin, phenacetin, thallin, and salicylic acid. The reader will certainly find the work ome of the most interesting of its excellent group, the Physicians' and Students' Ready-Refer- ence Series. 27ie Dosimetric Medical Review. Such books as the present one are of service to the student, the scientific therapeutist, and the general practitioner alike, for much can be found of real value in Dr. Hare's book, with the additional advantage that it is up to the latest researches upon the subject. Univer- sity Medical Magazine. (10)