Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/472

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Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. MJEMONDINO History of Circumcision. From the Earliest Times to the Present. Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance ; with a History of Eunuchism, Hermaphrodism, etc., and of the Different Opera- tions Practiced upon the Prepuce. By P. C. Remondino. M.D. (Jefferson), Member of the American Med- ical Association ; of the American Public Health Association ; Vice- President of California State Medical Society and of Southern California Medical Society, etc. In one neat 12mo volume of 346 pages. Handsomely bound in Extra Dark-Blue Cloth, and illustrated with two fine wood-engravings, showing the two principal modes of Circumcision in ancient times. No. 11 in the Physicians 1 and Students 1 Ready-Reference Series. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.25, net; in Great Britain, s. 6d. ; in France, 7 fr. 75. A Popular Edition (unabridged), bound in Paper Covers, is also issued. Price,

Cents, net ; in Great Britain, 3s. ; in France, 3 fr. 60. 

Every physician should read this book; he will there find, in a condensed and S3'stematized form, what there is known concerning Circumcision. The book deals with simple facts, and it is not a disserta- tion on theories. It deals, in plain, pointed language, with the relation that the prepuce bears to physical degeneracy and disease, bases all its utterances on what has occurred and on what is known. The author has here gathered from every source the material for his subject, and the deductions are unmistakable. This is a very full and readable book. To the reader who wishes to know all about the antiquity of the operation, with the views pro and con of the right of this appendage to exist, its advantages, dangers, etc., this is the book. The Southern Clinic. The operative chapter will be particu- larly useful and interesting to physicians, as it contains a careful and impartial" review of all the operative procedures, from the most simple to the most elaborate, paying particular attention to the subject of after-dressings It is a very interesting and instructive work, and should be read very liberally by the profes- sion. The Med. Brief. The author's views in regard to circum- cision, its necessity, and its results, are well founded, and its performance as a prophylactic measure is well established. Columbus Med. Journal. By the Same Author The Mediterranean Shores of America. Southern California: Its Climatic, Physical, and Meteorological Conditions. By P. 0. Remondino, M.D. (Jefferson), etc. Complete in one handsomely printed Octavo volume of nearly 175 pages, with 45 appropriate illustrations and 2 finely executed maps of the region, showing altitudes, ocean currents, etc. Bound in Extra Cloth. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.25, net; in Great Britain, s. 6d. ; in Prance, 7 fr. 75. Cheaper Edition (unabridged), bound in Paper, post-paid, in United States and Canada, 75 Cents, net ; in Great Britain, is. ; in Prance, 5 fr. Italy, of the Old World, does not excel nor even approach this region in point of salubrity of climate and all-around healthfulness of environ- ment. This book fully describes and discusses this wonderfully charming country. The medical profession, who have long desired a trustworthy treatise of true scientific value on this celebrated region, will find in this volume a satisfactory response to this long-felt and oft-expressed wish. (18) &