Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/130

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Ch. 14.
Short Titles Act, 1896.
59 & 60 Vict.
Session and Chapter. Title. Short Title.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 28. An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to repeal the several Acts now in force relating to Bread," and ends with the words " United Kingdom called Ireland." The Bread (Ireland)  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 29. An Act to supply an Omission in an Act passed in the present Session of Parliament, intituled "An Act to amend the Law for providing fit Houses for the beneficed Clergy." The Parsonages (Amendment)  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 30. An Act for continuing the Bishopric of Sodor and Man. The Sodor and Man  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 37. An Act to empower the Foreman or any other member of Grand Juries in Ireland to administer Oaths to Witnesses on Bills of Indictment. The Grand Jury (Ireland)  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 38. An Act to amend an Act for punishing idle and disorderly Persons and Rogues and Vagabonds. The Vagrancy  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 43. An Act for regulating the opening and working of Mines and Quarries in the Forest of Dean and Hundred of Saint Briavels, in the County of Gloucester. The Dean Forest (Mines)  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 49. An Act the title of which begins with the words "An Act to transfer the Management," and ends with the words " and Annuities for Terms of Years." The Government Annuities  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 51. An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Levy of Grand Jury Cess in the County of the City of Dublin. The Grand Jury Cess (Dublin)  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 53. An Act to amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament for providing more effectual Means to make Treasurers of Counties and Counties of Cities in Ireland account for Public Monies, and to secure the same. The County Treasurers (Ireland)  Act, 1838.
1 & 2 Vict. c. 56. An Act for the more effectual Relief of the destitute Poor in Ireland. The Poor Relief (Ireland)  Act, 1838.