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49 GEORGII Cap. 42

Warrants thereof, to the Lord Clerk Regiſter or his Deputies; and that in all Time coming thereafter the ſucceſſive Books or Volumes of theſe Records ſhall in all Caſes he delivered to the Lord Clerk Regiſter or his Deputies within Three Months after the ſame have been ſeverally completed and filled up; Penalties on Officers diſobeying. and if the Keepers of theſe Records ſhall refuſe or neglect to make ſuch regular Tranſmiſſion of the ſucceſſive Books of their reſpective Records, it ſhall be competent for the Lord Clerk Regiſter to preſent a ſummary Application to the Lords of Council and Seſſion, complaining of ſuch Refuſal and Neglect, by whom Warrants ſhall be granted for iſſuing Letters of Horning againſt ſuch Keeper or Keepers, in order to enforce Obedience to this Act, and by whom ſuch further Pains and Penalties may be inflicted by fine, not exceeding Fifty Pounds on ſuch Defaulters, as in the Circumſtances of the Caſe ſhall ſeem juſt, to be applied by the Lord Clerk Regiſter to the Purpoſes of the Eſtabliſhment of His Majeſty's General Regiſter Houſe.

Writs under the Great Seal, how to be expede.XII. And, for remedying the Inconveniencies that have ariſen or may ariſe from the unneceſſary Multiplicity of Writings and Records now in Uſe, as the ſucceſſive Warrants of Charters and Grants of Lands and other heritable Property, which paſs under the Seal appointed by the Treaty of Union to be kept and uſed in Scotland in Place of the Great Seal thereof formerly uſed there; be it enacted, That from and after the Expiration of Six Months after the paſſing of this Act, in expeding ſuch Charters and Grants under the aforeſaid Seal, the Latin Precept under the Signet ſhall be ſo framed as to be carried directly to Chancery without its containing any Order that a Precept under the Privy Seal ſhall be directed thereupon, and without ſuch Precept under the Privy Seal being made out or recorded, and ſuch Latin Precept under the Signet ſhall from thenceforth be received by the Director of His Majeſty's Chancery in Scotland, and by the Keeper of the Great Seal, as the only legal and ſufficient Warrants to them reſpectively for framing Grants in Terms of the ſame, and for appending thereto the Seal appointed by the Treaty of Union to be kept and uſed in Scotland in place of the Great Seal thereof formerly uſed there.

Compenſation to the Officers of the Privy Seal. And be it enacted, That ſo long as the Writer to His Majeſty's Privy Seal, and the Keeper of that Seal in Poſſeſſion of their reſpective Offices of Writer and Keeper at the Date of the paſſing of this Act, ſhall continue to hold the ſame reſpectively and no longer, the aforeſaid Precepts under His Majeſty's Signet ſhall be produced to the ſaid Writer and Keeper or their reſpective Deputies, by the Clerks to His Majeſty's Signet, by whom the ſaid Precepts reſpectively have been expede, and the ſame Fees heretofore due on the Writing and Sealing of Precepts under the Privy Seal, ſhall thereupon be paid to the ſaid Keeper and Writer reſpectively and their Deputies, of which Payments to them reſpectively a ſhort Atteſtation ſhall be written on the Back of the aforeſaid Precepts under the Signet, and ſubſcribed by the ſaid Writer and Keeper or their Deputies; and if the Director of His Majeſty's Chancery ſhall, during the Period aforeſaid, receive as his Warrant for framing any Charter any ſuch Precept under the Signet which does not bear the due Atteſtations as aforeſaid, he ſhall be liable in Penalties equal in Amount to the Fees of which the ſaid Writer or Keeper reſpectively have been deprived; the aforeſaid Penalty, together with the Expences of Proceſs, being recoverable by the ſaid Writer
