Page:Pulpit and Press.djvu/103

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should we continue to demand woman's love and woman's help while we recklessly promise as lover and candidate what we never fulfil as husband and office-holder? In our secret heart our better self is shamed and dishonored, and appeals from Philip drunk to Philip sober, but has not yet the moral strength and courage to prosecute the appeal. But the east is rosy, and the sunlight cannot long be delayed. Woman must not and will not be disheartened by a thousand denials or a million of broken pledges. With the assurance of faith she prays, with the certainty of inspiration she works, and with the patience of genius she waits. At last she is becoming “as fair as the morn, as bright as the sun, and as terrible as an army with banners” to those who march under the black flag of oppression and wield the ruthless sword of injustice.

In olden times it was the Amazons who conquered the invincibles, and we must look now to their daughters to overcome our own allied armies of evil and to save us from ourselves. She must and will succeed, for as David sang — “God shall help her, and that right early.” When we try to praise her later works it is as if we would pour incense upon the rose. It is the proudest boast of many of us that we are “bound to her by bonds dearer than freedom,” and that we live in the reflected royalty which shines from her brow. We rejoice with her that at last we begin to know what John on Patmos meant — “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” She brought to warring men the Prince of Peace, and he, departing, left his scepter