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nearly thirty years ago began to lay the foundation of this temple, and whose devotion and consecration to God and humanity during the intervening years have made its erection possible.

Those who now, in part, understand her mission, turn their hearts in gratitude to her for her great work, and those who do not understand it will, in the fulness of time, see and acknowledge it. In the measure in which she has unfolded and demonstrated divine Love, and built up in human consciousness a better and higher conception of God as Life, Truth, and Love, — as the divine Principle of all things which really exist, — and in the degree in which she has demonstrated the system of healing of Jesus and the apostles, surely she, as the one chosen of God to this end, is entitled to the gratitude and love of all who desire a better and grander humanity, and who believe it to be possible to establish the kingdom of heaven upon earth in accordance with the prayer and teachings of Jesus Christ.

[Concord Evening Monitor, March 23, 1895]

Testimonial and Gift

To Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, from The First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston

Rev. Mary Baker Eddy received Friday, from the Christian Science Board of Directors, Boston, a beautiful and unique testimonial of the appreciation of her labors and loving generosity in the Cause of their common faith. It was a facsimile of the corner-stone of the new church of