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“To Rev. Mary Baker Eddy.

Dear Teacher, Leader, Guide: — ‘Laus Deo, it is done!’ At last you begin to see the fruition of that you have worked, toiled, prayed for. The ‘prayer in stone’ is accomplished. Across two thousand miles of space, as mortal sense puts it, I send my hearty congratulations. You are fully occupied, but I thought you would willingly pause for an instant to receive this brief message of congratulation. Surely it marks an era in the blessed onward work of Christian Science. It is a most auspicious hour in your eventful career. While we all rejoice, yet the mother in Israel, alone of us all, comprehends its full significance.

“Yours lovingly,

Lanson P. Norcross.” 

[Boston Sunday Globe, January 6, 1895]


Stately Home for Believers in Gospel Healing — A Woman of Wealth Who Devotes All to Her Church Work

Christian Science has shown its power over its students, as they are called, by building a church by voluntary contributions, the first of its kind; a church which will be dedicated to-day with a quarter of a million dollars expended and free of debt.

The money has flowed in from all parts of the United States and Canada without any special appeal, and it kept coming until the custodian of funds cried “enough” and refused to accept any further checks by mail or otherwise.