Page:Pulpit and Press.djvu/75

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Not in blind caprice of will,
Not in cunning sleight of skill,
Not for show of power, was wrought
Nature's marvel in thy thought.”

In a previous article we have referred to cyclic changes that came during the last quarter of preceding centuries. Of our remarkable nineteenth century not the least eventful circumstance is the advent of Christian Science. That it should be the work of a woman is the natural outcome of a period notable for her emancipation from many of the thraldoms, prejudices, and oppressions of the past. We do not, therefore, regard it as a mere coincidence that the first edition of Mrs. Eddy's Science and Health should have been published in 1875. Since then she has revised it many times, and the ninety-first edition is announced. Her discovery was first called, “The Science of Divine Metaphysical Healing.” Afterward she selected the name Christian Science. It is based upon what is held to be scientific certainty, namely, — that all causation is of Mind, every effect has its origin in desire and thought. The theology — if we may use the word — of Christian Science is contained in the volume entitled “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.”

The present Boston congregation was organized April 19, 1879, and has now over four thousand members. It is regarded as the parent organization, all others being branches, though each is entirely independent in the management of its own affairs. Truth is the sole recognized authority. Of actual members of different congregations there are between one hundred thousand and two hundred