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[The Republic, Washington, D. C, February 2, 1895]


Christian Science

Mary Baker Eddy the “Mother” of the Idea — She Has an Immense Following Throughout the United States, and a Church Costing $250,000 Was Recently Built in Her Honor at Boston

“My faith has the strength to nourish trees as well as souls,” was the remark Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, the “Mother” of Christian Science, made recently as she pointed to a number of large elms that shade her delightful country home in Concord, N. H. “I had them brought here in warm weather, almost as big as they are now, and not one died.” This is a remarkable statement, but it is made by a remarkable woman, who has originated a new phase of religious belief, and who numbers over one hundred thousand intelligent people among her devoted followers.

The great hold she has upon this army was demonstrated in a very tangible and material manner recently, when “The First Church of Christ, Scientist,” erected at a cost of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, was dedicated in Boston. This handsome edifice was paid for before it was begun, by the voluntary contributions of Christian Scientists all over the country, and a tablet imbedded in its wall declares that it was built as “a testimonial to our beloved teacher, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy,