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Mrs. Eddy assumed the pastorship of the church during its early years, and in 1881 was ordained, being now known as the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy.

The Massachusetts Metaphysical College was founded by Mrs. Eddy in 1881, and here she taught the principles of the faith for nine years. Students came to it in hundreds from all parts of the world, and many are now pastors or in practice. The college was closed in 1889, as Mrs. Eddy felt it necessary for the interests of her religious work to retire from active contact with the world. She now lives in a beautiful country residence in her native State.

[The American, Baltimore, Md., January 14, 1895]


Mrs. Eddy's Disciples

It is not generally known that a Christian Science congregation was organized in this city about a year ago. It now holds regular services in the parlor of the residence of the pastor, at 1414 Linden Avenue. The dedication in Boston last Sunday of the Christian Science church, called The Mother Church, which cost over two hundred thousand dollars, adds interest to the Baltimore organization. There are many other church edifices in the United States owned by Christian Scientists. Christian Science was founded by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. The Baltimore congregation was organized at a meeting held at the present location on February 27, 1894.