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[New York Herald, February 6, 1895]

Mrs. Eddy Shocked

[By Telegraph to the Herald]

Concord, N. H., February 4, 1895. — The article published in the Herald on January 29, regarding a statement made by Mrs. Laura Lathrop, pastor of the Christian Science congregation that meets every Sunday in Hodgson Hall, New York, was shown to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, the Christian Science “Discoverer,” to-day.

Mrs. Eddy preferred to prepare a written answer to the interrogatory, which she did in this letter, addressed to the editor of the Herald: —

“A despatch is given me, calling for an interview to answer for myself, ‘Am I the second Christ?’

“Even the question shocks me. What I am is for God to declare in His infinite mercy. As it is, I claim nothing more than what I am, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and the blessing it has been to mankind which eternity enfolds.

“I think Mrs. Lathrop was not understood. If she said aught with intention to be thus understood, it is not what I have taught her, and not at all as I have heard her talk.

“My books and teachings maintain but one conclusion and statement of the Christ and the deification of mortals.

“Christ is individual, and one with God, in the sense of divine Love and its compound divine ideal.

“There was, is, and never can be but one God, one